Tuesday, 11 August 2009


At the moment I'm homeless. In fact, I've been homeless since August 1st.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not standing on a corner with a pile of Big Issues by day and sleeping under a sports stand at night. In fact, I have the whole third floor of a Georgian townhouse, once occupied by William Pitt, in the centre of Bath. There are tourists who have travelled from the other side of the planet to enjoy the view that I see every morning when I get out of bed.

But I'm a guest here. And that raises some questions.

A bit like my possessions being housed in a lockup, not having somewhere that I call home at the moment is making me stop taking these things for granted.

1 comment:

les pikey said...

Hey Ian, what's with the Homeless thing then?

Whenever I've been 'homeless' it often starts with a mix of excitement and trepidation which then morphs into a sense of freedom unlike any other. As long as your prepared to let anything go. The practise of non-attachment becomes a necessity. But it can be a freakin' pain in the arse. I often think of it as being a type of hunter/gatherer mode of existence. Cunning and ingenuity come into play. The objectives for the day are usually to secure a basic need: shelter, food, community. And it often started an inquiry into possiblity and probability, questions of fate and chance, you know, whether the 'gods' would smile today or not.

Anyways, I hope you're ok.
