Sunday, 28 June 2009

Service Resumed

So what happened? It's more than eight months since I posted on this site. In the meantime, I've
  • Run the Florence marathon in November 2008. 4hrs 24.
  • Blown up in the Bath half marathon, March 2009. I'd aimed to run it in under 100 mins, didn't train enough and went off too hard. The result was that I had to walk a lot of it and finished the course in a deeply unimpressive 2hrs 3mins.
  • Been to the Middle East six times in the last six months
  • Flown to Singapore and back twice
  • Rounded off all that travel with a trip to Belgium at the beginning of June.
Eleanor came home from her residential course with gifts for everyone. A notebook for her mum, a pencil for her brother. I got a bar of chocolate. Strangely, though, a third of the bar was missing...

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