Sunday, 31 August 2008


This is the book that I'm using as my training guide for the next three months. In a nutshell, it lays out a sixteen week schedule.
My only problem is that the schedule started on August 7th and I haven't done anything at all.

So this morning I got on the canal towpath and headed out. All year I've been using a Nike+ device that plugs into my iPod. Thom B. has just borrowed it and I didn't recalibrate it. On my return about an hour and a quarter after I'd started, the iPod informed me that I had run about a mile and a half.

In fact, I'd run down the canal towpath as far as something called Harding's Bridge. Which I know for a fact is three miles along the towpath.

So I reckon that I ran between six and eight miles this morning. Which gets me back on schedule.

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